Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Well I do not have much time or energy to update at the moment, but I just returned from a soccer game with the ninos from Barrio San Jose, the neighborhood in which the Center is located, and it was absolutely awesome. The kids had been pestering me for days for their uniforms ("Don Alex, deme el uniforme"), which are Large to 2 XL shirts donated from a softball league in the states, so I was a little worried about letting them down. Apparently the Center has received some real soccer uniforms in the past, so I was thinking the kids would be disappointed with the gigantic t-shirts with baseball players on them.
However, that was not the case at all. As soon as I arrived with the uniforms to play ("Como estamos amigos"? I said. "Bien Don Alex!"), all the kids excitedly tried on the oversized uniforms, and took to tucking them in at the waist and tucking the sleeves into the shirt at the shoulders. We then started playing around on the concrete concha (futbol pitch), and actually within minutes the majority of the kids decided they didn't want to wear the uniforms- because they didn't want them to get dirty on the recently rain-soaked court! Imagine that. Here I was worried the kids would be let down by me holding out on them for so long and then delivering less than ideal jerseys. But no, they were so taken by the "gifts" (as David called them) that they didn't even want to wear them if there was a chance of getting them muddy.
Wow, so these kids are just really special, and it felt so good to just get out and run around after all the meetings in the Center today. One of the meetings was for a women's group from Suchitoto who are organizing a trip to the hospital for mammogram check-ups and breast cancer, or "cancer de mamas", education and awareness training. Apparently the only option for most women is to go without examination because the only mammogram machines are privately owned and located in the capital. However, the mayor's office here has allocated some funds for this program for at-risk women.
The other meeting was for a bunch of campesinos (countryside/farmer folk), and I really mean a bunch, probably about 200, to receive a whole bunch of beans and rice from a charity donation from Taiwan. Lots of stuff going on here...

Anyways, tomorrow I will try to upload some of the pictures Korla took at the soccer game. You will just love to see the kids in the oversize uniforms, they are awesome. Especially this kid "Carlito", who must be aobut 3 feet tall and weigh maybe 40 pounds; yet he's a fearless 'portero' (goalkeeper), and he jokes around with the older kids like he's just one of the guys. I'm really hopeful I can be a good role model for these guys because they are surrounded by a culture that is not exactly big on chivalry. Korla, Ariel and I are thinking we can develop this soccer thing and maybe get some girls involved. We could do some practices as well, not just games, since none of these kids have had formal p.e. instruction. I feel great today because it seems like the sky's the limit. Oh man it was great: After the game (which was at the local school), we all walked home together, and this older guy Antonio who always seems to be hanging around with the younger kids, was basically being the father of all the boys, walking them home and assuring us they'd be safe until next time.

Ah, I hope that all made sense. I am typing pretty fast and I actually have to go now. Tomorrow I give my first yoga class at 5 so hopefully that will go well. I love and miss you all very much. Peace out!


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