I also just had my first yoga class here at the Center and it went just fabulously. Christy, Korla, and Ariel all graciously attended, along with 6 or 7 Salvadorans and a whole slew of Danish women from an immersion program that is located here in Suchitoto. I met the facilitator of the program, Ciri, who was excited to hear we'll be giving the class every Tuesday and Thursday.
I hope some more "Suchitotenses" can come next time, but this was the first class and it went very well. I was a little nervous but I knew what I was saying was good because I had been reviewing spanish vocabulary that would be relevant for the session. So I just trusted my instinct and relaxed into the session. One of the best parts was the "corpse pose" at the end where we just listened to a couple songs. One of the songs was "Casa abierta", a simply beautiful song that reminded Christy and I both of our good friend form Casa, Kelly Miguens, to an almost unbearable degree. If you have time you should look this song up, and it's lyrics in spanish and/or English- it is really something. I think the artists is Guardabarranco.
Anyway, I'm off to find something to eat for dinner. Thank you for tuning in and take care tonight. Special shout out to Derek - miss you brother, hope you are having a great night tonight.
Anyway, I'm off to find something to eat for dinner. Thank you for tuning in and take care tonight. Special shout out to Derek - miss you brother, hope you are having a great night tonight.

P.S. here's the corrider in which we did yoga. There's a bit more space to the right and stretching back into the corner both behind and in front of this vantage point. But it should give you a good idea of the ambience. I'll take a picture next time maybe of the set-up with all the mats and what not.
Hi Alex - I'm Susan, Korla's mom. These photos are great. Thanks for your work. I hope all is well with you. Take care. Susan